American Society of Pediatric Neurosurgeons Seed Grant Program

Goal: To provide “seed” funding to jumpstart promising projects conducted by early career pediatric neurosurgeons. Ideally, this funding will lead to substantial progress that transforms how we manage the care of individuals with pediatric neurosurgical issues and/or to additional extramural funding. Projects may span the breadth of basic, translational, and clinical research to patient safety/quality improvement, global health, education, and advocacy.

Award amount: $25,000 maximum for a 2-year award

Eligibility: Eligible applicants must be pediatric neurosurgeons and ASPN members who have completed their pediatric fellowship training less than 10 years ago, at the time of the ASPN meeting. Applicants may submit only one project.

2022 Application Funding Cycle:

            Application Due Data:                                     November 15, 2022 at Midnight Eastern

            Announcement of Award                               ASPN meeting, 2023

            Progress Report Due                                      January 1, 2024

            Completed Project Presentation:                 ASPN meeting 2025


Application components:

Format with 11 point Arial, 0.5 inch margins, single-space, compiled as one PDF

Page 1             Cover page

                          Contact information for grants office

                          Assurance to abide by IRB, IACUC as appropriate

                          Conflict of Interest attestation

Page 2             Abstract/Summary 30 lines

Pages 3-5       Project Strategy (3 p, including figures) that includes

                         Hypothesis and Specific Aims/Goals

                         Background and Pilot Data (if available)

                         Approach/Methods/Expected Outcomes/Alternatives

                         Power Analysis and Statistical Design, Milestones

Page 6             Impact/Significance  ~20 lines

                         Team/Environment composition ~15 lines

                         Budget and Budget Justification

                         References     Unlimited, full references

                         NIH Biosketch of applicant

Email completed application to the Secretary of the ASPN, Dody Robinson  at [email protected].